Materials Analysis Laboratory (MAL)
The MAL performs materials characterization and failure analysis of mechanical and electrical components for all KSC programs and commercial partners. Set up to perform quick-turnaround anomaly investigations that occur on center, the MAL has a wide set of capabilities to evaluate failed components. Utilizing a wide variety of microscopy techniques, X-ray inspection via computed tomography (CT), component dissection, metallography, thermal analysis, and electrical analysis, the MAL can provide characterization of any material. By leveraging the capabilities of other laboratories, including the Mechanical and Environmental Testing Laboratory , NASA Investigative Chemistry Laboratory , Metrology Laboratory , and Prototype Development Laboratory , the MAL leads a comprehensive investigation of component failures, accidents, mishaps, and fire investigations, supporting a root cause analysis. Personnel in the MAL have a wide range of experience evaluating electrical and mechanical systems or components such as valves, regulators, motors, shafts, bearings, fasteners, and pumps used in aerospace flight hardware, ground support equipment, and related facilities.
- Environmental scanning electron microscope (SEM) with a focused ion beam (FIB) Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD)
- Digital radiography/computed tomography (DR/CT) system
- Digital and stereomicroscopes
- Metallographic sectioning, mounting, polishing, etching, and imaging
- Laser profilometer/confocal microscope
- White-light scanning microscope
- Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
- X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
- Hardness testing, including Rockwell hardness, microhardness, and portable hardness testers
- X-Ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS)
- Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) with gas chromatograph (GC) and infrared spectrometer (FTIR)
- Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
- Thermomechanical analyzer (TMA)
- Dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA)
- Simultaneous thermal analyzer DSC/TGA (SDT)
- Electrical testing: Analog, Digital & mixed signal testing equipment; High-voltage facility power; High-frequency electrical & DC power system testing
- Thermal imaging cameras