The NASA Authorization Act of 2010 (S. 3729) identified Kennedy Space Center (KSC) as a “multi-user launch complex for Government and commercial” operations.  The KSC team has since met the challenge and transformed the center.  The dedicated civil servant and contractor workforce has refurbished and repurposed Kennedy’s institutional facilities and infrastructure and honed and grown its technological skills to capably service Government and commercial users and their ambitious missions. Today, KSC is the nation’s premier, multi-user spaceport.
To accommodate doing business, KSC’s Center Planning and Development (CPD) Directorate is the facilitator. CPD serves as KSC’s “front door” to industry, academia, and other government organizations interested in exploring cooperative opportunities.

Ready to Launch?

Ready to explore a partnership, or simply need more information?  Please submit your inquiry to our KSC Facilitator.