Clean Technology
NASA is committed to bringing renewable, clean technology solutions to Florida and is eager to capitalize on the opportunity to foster new technologies that can benefit both the space program and energy consumers. NASA has partnered with Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) on multiple clean technology projects, including a solar photovoltaic power facility that is generating 10 megawatts of power for both KSC and FPL customers. This joint effort between KSC and FPL is an example of how we can create jobs while investing in common-sense solutions to the economic, environmental and national challenges.
In addition to clean technology projects, KSC participates in the Leadership in Energy Efficient Design (LEED). Our Propellants North Facility has received Platinium certification for its facility design. If your business is related to clean energy technology, contact us to explore how KSC’s resources (labs and scientific expertise) can support your efforts to develop clean technologies.