Storm Water Management
The state of Florida has two separate stormwater permitting programs. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Program regulates point source discharges of stormwater into surface waters from certain municipal, industrial, and construction activities. The Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) Program regulates construction activities that would affect wetlands, alter surface water flows, or contribute to water pollution. Some projects and activities at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) require both types of stormwater permits.
Kennedy has over 80 surface water management systems to control stormwater runoff. The four largest stormwater systems at Kennedy are the Region I system that serves the Industrial Area, the Sub-basin 11 system that serves the western portion of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) Area, the VAB south system that serves the southern portion of the VAB area, and the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) system that serves the SLF.
Stormwater Compliance
Kennedy organizations and contractors shall coordinate projects and activities with the NASA Environmental Assurance Branch (EAB). The NASA EAB will identify applicable stormwater management and permitting requirements. Kennedy’s stormwater management and permitting requirements and processes are located in Chapter 10 of KNPR 8500.1 (KSC Environmental Requirements).
Projects that include construction of new impervious areas (buildings, sidewalks, roads, driveways, etc.), modification of existing drainage conveyances, modification of existing impervious structures, construction of new drainage conveyances, or any other land disturbance such as clearing, grading, trenching, and excavation may require a stormwater management system and a stormwater management permit.
An NPDES stormwater permit is required if you perform a construction project that disturbs at least one acre of land or if you operate an industrial activity that is specifically listed in the NPDES regulations. Many construction activities at Kennedy requiring a NPDES stormwater permit can satisfy that requirement by obtaining coverage under Florida’s Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities. To obtain coverage under that permit, the project proponent must submit a formal notification package (Notice of Intent) to the regulatory agency (through the NASA EAB) and comply with the permit conditions which typically involve developing/implementing a site-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), installing/maintaining erosion and sediment controls, conducting inspections and performing recordkeeping.
An ERP stormwater permit is required:
- if one or more acres of land is disturbed; or, less than one acre if the disturbance is part of a larger common plan
- for construction or modification of 4,000 square feet or more of impervious or semi-impervious surface area subject to vehicular traffic
- for construction or modification of 9,000 square feet or more of impervious area including those subject to vehicular traffic
- for construction of five acres or more of recreational area
If a stormwater permit is required, Kennedy’s organization or contractor shall prepare the permit application or Notice of Intent package and submit it to the NASA EAB for processing by the regulatory agency. All correspondence and communication with regulatory agencies regarding the permit must be performed by the NASA EAB.