Recycling Program
At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC), we are committed to maximizing reuse and recycling opportunities in all activities center wide. Kennedy’s recycling program includes the collection and beneficial sale of a wide range of recyclable government-owned commodities that are generated as a result of mission, institutional, and support activities.
Program Elements
- Divert at least 50% of Kennedy’s non-hazardous solid waste stream from the landfill
- Divert at least 50% of Kennedy’s non-hazardous construction and demolition materials from the landfill
- Optimize the purchase of recycled-content and other environmentally preferable products (see NASA’s Sustainable Acquisition Program)
- Assess and report Kennedy successes and compliance with federal and NASA-specific goals
Kennedy employees may request to have recycling containers emptied by visiting the STAR website at here. Employees are asked to submit service requests when bins are ¾ full.
Material Acceptable for Recycling Collection
Glass, Aluminum and Plastic (GAPS):
Glass drink containers
Aluminum cans
Plastic beverage containers
Steel cans
Note: For sanitation purposes please empty all containers and rinse lightly, if needed.
Note: plastic bags, food trays, Styrofoam or containers that held hazardous materials cannot be recycled at Kennedy.
Mixed Office Paper:
Adding-machine paper
Bond-paper (all colors)
Booklets and brochures
Business cards
Computer paper with green bars
Drafting paper
Envelopes with or without windows
Fax paper (plain paper or thermal)
File folders (manila, colored, hanging, accordion)
Newsletters (non-coated)
Notebook (softbound and spiral)
Office paper
Post-it notes
Shredded paper (bagged and placed in bins)
Stationary with or without colored ink/letterhead
Telephone directories
Note: Staples and paper clips do not need to be removed.
Cardboard: Cardboard (all sizes) can go into “Cardboard” dumpsters and bins. All Cardboard must be broken down flat
Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU):
Documents containing sensitive information should be deposited into slotted locked bins located throughout the center.
Alkaline Batteries:
Drop-off receptacles are located in the lobbies of Headquarters, O&C, OSB1, MFF and SSPF
Recycling at Kennedy’s Reclamation Yard:
The Reutilization, Marketing, and Recycling Facility (RMRF) at the Reclamation Yard, M6-1671, accepts items such as appliances, computers, carpet, re-usable pallets and lumber, scrap metal, tires and other miscellaneous tools, pumps, motors, etc. for recycling, reuse, and resale. To transfer equipment to RMRF, complete KSC Form 7-49.
Recycling at Kennedy’s Landfill:
The landfill will accept items from Construction and Demolition debris such as concrete, segregated green waste, and untreated wood. For more information, contact Alex Garcia, Environmental Assurance Branch, 321-867-8448.
Drop Your Chemicals Off Here (DYCOH) Program:
The DYCOH program provides NASA-funded organizations with an option to dispose of certain small quantity waste products and universal wastes by delivering the waste to a designated collection facility K7-0115. This program accepts batteries, fluorescent lamps, aerosol cans, antifreeze, oil filters, rags/textile wipers, solvent, and used oil. Contact KEMCON at 321-867-3449 or 321-861-1330 for more information on this service.