Hazardous & Controlled Waste
The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and establishes requirements for cradle-to-grave management (generation, storage, transportation, and treatment/disposal) of hazardous waste. The EPA has authorized the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to oversee and enforce RCRA requirements in the State of Florida.
In addition to RCRA, there are other federal and state of Florida regulations that govern the management and disposal of certain non-hazardous waste streams. These other regulated waste streams are labeled “controlled waste” at Kennedy Space Center (KSC).
Kennedy organizations and contractors are responsible for developing general and site-specific waste management procedures for their operations to promote consistency, minimize risk, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
The NASA Environmental Assurance Branch (EAB) manages a centerwide process to evaluate, identify, and dispose of hazardous and controlled waste streams generated at Kennedy. Hazardous and controlled waste sampling, characterization, pickup, and disposal services are performed by the NASA Environmental and Medical Contract (NEMCON).
Kennedy’s requirements for hazardous and controlled waste management are found in Chapter 13 of KNPR 8500.1 (KSC Environmental Requirements). Specific procedures for obtaining hazardous and controlled waste support from NEMCON are found in EVS-P-0001 (Spaceport Waste Services Guidance Manual).