Kennedy's Environmental Program

Department of Energy Awards

Energy Champions are recognized by the Department of Energy at all Federal installations that have made extraordinary contributions to the energy savings efforts. These men and women have developed and advocated innovative practices which have been saving energy and money and improving the efficiency of the government. They serve as role models for their fellow employees and for all Americans.

Some of Kennedy Space Center Energy Champions

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability
Dr. Fulin Gui

2009 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

Joseph Horvath

2007 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

Samori Ball & Francis Kline

2006 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

RuthAnn Strunk

2004 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

Doug Thom

2002 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

Chris Iannello

1999 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

Wayne Thalasinos

1998 Champion

Kennedy's Environmental Program - Sustainability

John Best

1997 Champion