Air Emissions
Air Emissions
Federal Clean Air Act (CAA) regulations are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40 Parts 50 through 99. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has delegated its authority to administer CAA regulations and issue air permits in Florida to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).
Kennedy Space Center’s air emission requirements are located in Chapter 6 of KNPR 8500.1 (KSC Environmental Requirements).
Kennedy is a major source of air emissions and is required by CAA regulations to hold a Title V Air Operation Permit. The Title V Air Operation Permit, issued by the FDEP, governs the emissions from and establishes specific requirements for dozens of permitted emission sources and hundreds of insignificant emission sources across Kennedy. Examples of emissions sources include electric power generators, boilers, paint booths, abrasive blasting units and scrubbers.
Prior to constructing, demolishing, operating, or modifying any air emission source, Kennedy organizations and contractors shall contact the NASA Environmental Assurance Branch (EAB) for regulatory and permitting requirements. Organizations and contractors may be required to obtain a construction permit or modify Kennedy’s Title V Air Operation Permit prior to commencing that activity. Organizations and contractors shall prepare required air permit applications and submit them to the NASA EAB for processing with the FDEP.