Consumptive Use and Dewatering
Kennedy’s Space Center (KSC) requirements for consumptive use and dewatering are found in Chapter 7 of KNPR 8500.1, KSC Environmental Requirements.
Kennedy Consumptive Use Permit
Due to the various types of water use, water sources, and volumes consumed, Kennedy is required to obtain and maintain a Consumptive Use Permit (CUP). The Kennedy CUP, issued by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), describes the allowable water use at Kennedy and places limits on the volumes that can be consumed. The Kennedy CUP applies to all organizations and contractors and covers various activities including domestic use (restrooms, showers, cooking, etc.), industrial use, landscaping use, fire suppression use, groundwater withdrawal and dewatering, and use of potable water purchased from the city of Cocoa.
Kennedy organizations and contractors shall immediately notify the NASA Environmental Assurance Branch (EAB) regarding operational changes which significantly modify the volume of water consumed (increase or decrease) or water use activities. A modification of the Kennedy CUP may be required prior to implementing those changes.
Groundwater Wells
Kennedy organizations and contractors wanting to install a groundwater well shall contact the NASA EAB to identify the applicable permitting and compliance requirements. New groundwater wells shall be installed by licensed well drillers and may require permitting. Excess groundwater wells shall be properly abandoned by licensed well drillers and have all associated permits cancelled.
There are numerous groundwater wells on Kennedy property from historical agricultural and domestic use. Any groundwater wells discovered during construction or clearing activities shall be immediately reported to the NASA EAB.
Dewatering activities are regulated based on the quantity of water withdrawn, the duration of the activity, and the method by which the withdrawn water is disposed. The definition of dewatering includes removing water from manholes, sumps, and other subsurface structures in which groundwater may accumulate.
A dewatering activity may withdraw any quantity of groundwater or surface water for any duration of time without a consumptive use permit, provided the water is recharged on site by infiltration.
Kennedy organizations and contractors shall obtain a site-specific dewatering permit for dewatering activities that exceed the thresholds below. Kennedy organizations and contractor shall refer to Chapter 7 of KNPR 8500.1, KSC Environmental Requirements or contact the NASA EAB for instructions on how to obtain a site-specific dewatering permit.
- 6 million gallons per day for the first 120 hours
- 2 million gallons per day for 60 days
- 1 million gallons per day for 180 days
- 180 days duration
Construction dewatering activities that are below the thresholds above may obtain coverage under an existing short-term construction dewatering permit issued to Kennedy by the SJRWMD. Kennedy organizations and contractor shall refer to Chapter 7 of KNPR 8500.1, KSC Environmental Requirements or contact the NASA EAB for instructions on how to obtain coverage under this permit.
All projects involving dewatering at Kennedy, regardless of permitting requirements, must adhere to the following general requirements:
- All dewatering will adhere to best management practices regarding turbidity and erosion control.
- No dewatering activities shall be performed where there are chemicals or materials present in the discharge area that may contaminate the effluent.
- There will be no direct discharges of dewatering effluent to Outstanding Florida Waters, Class I water bodies, or Class II water bodies.