Doing Business
NASA partners with Federal and state government agencies, with U.S. businesses, and with universities through agreements where each partner provides resources such as funding, facilities, or expertise, to achieve a common goal. As a result of work being done at KSC, patents are available for licensing.
In addition, NASA’s unique corrosion research facilities and expertise are available to the private sector on a reimbursable basis. We would be glad to discuss details with you. If you would like to contact us about materials research or testing opportunities at NASA Kennedy Space Center, we would be happy to answer any questions you might have. General information on “business partnerships at KSC” is also available.
For more information contact:
Eliza Montgomery, Ph.D.
NASA Corrosion Laboratory
Mail Code: NE-L4
Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899
Tel: 321-867-6364 or Fax: 321-867-1670