Here is a list of utilities used at KSC.
Electrical power is purchased from Florida Power and Light Co. (FPL) at 115 kV and stepped down to 13.8 kV at two locations to serve KSC. The center owns and maintains the 13.8 kV medium voltage distribution system which serves the facilities.
In a unique public-private partnership between FPL and NASA that demonstrates a commitment to bringing clean-energy solutions to the state of Florida, solar photovoltaic power facilities have been constructed at KSC. This partnership is helping to provide clean, renewable power to Florida residents and to support America’s space program by supplying electricity directly to Kennedy Space Center. It also reduces reliance on fossil fuels and improves the environment.
An FPL solar array located in the southern portion of KSC produces an estimated 10 megawatts of clean, emissions-free power for FPL customers, which is enough energy to serve approximately 1,100 homes. A separate solar facility of approximately one megawatt located in the Industrial Area provides clean power directly to Kennedy Space Center and is helping NASA meet its renewable energy goals. Additional solar photovoltaic power facilities are planned for the future.
Central Plants
There are two main Central Utility Plants (CUP) at KSC that provide hot water and chilled water to multiple facilities. Several facilities have their own smaller, dedicated plants that are not part of this summary.
Fire Protection
NASA facilities include fire suppression and detection systems aimed at protecting personnel and equipment, and include fire suppression systems that respond to launch vehicle emergencies. KSC provides emergency services for employees and facilities across the center, with fire stations operating 24/7, fire and ambulance services staffed by cross-trained paramedic/firefighters and centralized monitoring and dispatch facilities. Fire protection systems were discussed extensively in the 2003 study “NASA Technical Summary of Infrastructure” (KSC-6062). Highlights from that discussion are summarized and updated in this narrative.
Industrial Area Chiller Plants
The Industrial Area Chiller Plant (IACP, M7-0407) provides chilled water to eight facilities in the north portion of the KSC Industrial Area. Facilities served include the Headquarters Building (M6-0399), Operations & Checkout (M7-0355), Space Station Processing Facility (M7-0360) and other buildings in this area. The IACP was constructed in 1992. Chilled water is produced by six electricity-driven, centrifugal chillers. There are four 1,875-ton chillers and two 2,500-ton chillers for a total capacity of 12,500 tons. The IACP has been the subject of previous studies: KSC-DX-83651 and KSC-TA-12054.
Natural Gas
A natural gas distribution infrastructure was built in 1994 to support the activities at KSC. The system was expanded in 1999 to the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS). Natural gas is used as the main fuel source for heating plants at the VAB and at the Industrial Area, providing hot water for building heating and domestic hot water purposes. The main pipeline runs through KSC property but is owned by Florida City Gas (FCG), the local natural gas utility. The main 12” natural gas pipeline enters KSC where NASA and Kennedy Parkways intersect. An 8” branch line continues to serve CCAFS. FCG is responsible for the gas main from its station off of NASA Parkway up to and including meters to various facilities in the VAB and industrial areas of KSC. Contractors on center are responsible for operation and maintenance of natural gas systems downstream of the meter stations.
The Propellants and Life Support (PLS) Branch in the Center Operations Directorate provides services in support of launch vehicles and payloads. The PLS infrastructure provides hypergolic fuels and oxidizers, cryogenic liquids, compressed gases, pressurants, and other specialty fluids and propellant commodities to Kennedy Space Center and CCAFS. These propellants and other gases are used to support the Atlas, Delta, and Falcon launch vehicles and payloads – both government and commercial. Propellant and life support infrastructure was discussed extensively in the 2003 study “NASA Technical Summary of Infrastructure” (KSC-6062). Highlights from that discussion are summarized and updated in this narrative.
Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) Utility Annex
The VAB Utility Annex (VABUA) provides chilled and hot water for building heating and cooling for various facilities in the Launch Complex 39 area. It was built in 1966 and is located just southwest of the VAB. It provides chilled water to more than a dozen facilities. Only five of the facilities served use both chilled and hot water from the annex. The other remaining facilities, which are located south of the annex, utilize only chilled water.
KSC and CCAFS have a combined waste water collection and treatment system. The system dates to the 1950’s when Cape Canaveral was first built. The waste water system consists of water treatment facilities, pre-treatment facilities, and lift stations. These facilities are connected by a collection system of almost 100 miles of sewer mains, about 50 miles of which is located on KSC property. Wastewater systems were discussed extensively in the 2003 study “NASA Technical Summary of Infrastructure” (KSC-6062). Highlights from that discussion are summarized and updated in this narrative.
Primary water metering at KSC is accomplished at three water distribution system interconnects: the City of Cocoa at the W-1 pump station on State Road 3, with CCAFS at the NASA Causeway, and at a location near Launch Complex 41. Reimbursable customers, such as the Kennedy Space Center Visitor’s Complex, are secondarily metered. Some individual facilities, such as the cooling towers at the Utility Annex and the IACP, are also secondarily metered.
The replacement of certain water lines throughout KSC is ongoing, with the fifth and last phase scheduled to be completed in 2017. Pipeline replacement includes critical water mains, facility service lines and fire hydrants, as well as the replacement of KSC’s primary pump station.