NASA Programs with Emerging Multi-User Spaceport
The NASA Programs with Emerging Multi-User Spaceport operating model consists of NASA sharing assets and services with non-NASA entities while continuing to support NASA programs. NASA still owns the land and operates the majority of government-controlled assets, infrastructure, and services on KSC, but develops policies and regulations for non-hazardous NASA and non-NASA operations that are in close proximity, while delineating areas for hazardous operations to occur without conflict. NASA begins to transition excess land to non-NASA entities through lease agreements and easements.
- Continuing support of federal programs enhanced with growing commercial opportunities.
- Grow commercial business opportunities; leverage current capability.
- Continue to sustain assets required to support continuing NASA programs.
- Continue to leverage available funding in response to shrinking federal dollars.
- Continue to divest assets not needed to support continuing NASA programs (transfer or demolish).
- Continue to preserve unique capabilities and assets that may not be matched to current programs (mothball).
- Leverage available assets and developable land resources to meet evolving demand (i.e., alternative energy and ancillary uses).
NASA Operations
- Easements and agreements to facilitate leveraging of land area resources
- Operates program-specific assets
- Funds operations and maintenance infrastructure for program/capability specific tasks and facilities (High-bay, Pad, etc.)
- NASA/Spaceport Authority proposes, reviews & approves real property agreements
Non-NASA Operations
- Spaceport Authority Operates Commercial Zones (COZ)
- Beginning to be self-sustaining
- Ability to raise capital/bonds for development / improvements
- Market-based pricing in effect
- Commercial standards apply
- Entity pays all infrastructure charges within COZ
Operational Initiatives
OI-1 | Continue to apply a customer-centric business approach to ensure position as private sector first alternative
- Continue adoption of policies and procedures consistent with marketplace expectations, including pricing structures, approval procedures, and operational regulations.
- Continue updating and publishing a “menu” of core services and facilities pricing that is standardized.
- Continue streamlining the approval process to the greatest extent possible by negotiating and approving agreements at the local level.
- Continue providing ancillary amenities to tenants such as on-site dining, service facilities, or recreational opportunities.
- Continue to address business practice policies and procedures before aggressively marketing KSC as a business-friendly location.
- Continue to communicate the terms of any agreements with non-NASA tenants to NASA personnel who will implement the agreement so they can respond appropriately to tenant requests.
OI-2 | Continue to use all available legal and administrative tools to support commercial efforts
- Continue to use advantageous Space Act Agreement property agreements, Enhanced Use Leases, and out-grants through the National Historic Preservation Act as appropriate for tenant contracts.
- Continue to structure future agreements with non-NASA entities to include profit-sharing partnerships in addition to standard lease agreements.
- Continue use of templates for legal agreements with standardized terms and conditions that can be modified as necessary for each negotiation.
OI-3 | Continue to negotiate and administer Commercial Space Launch Act (CSLA) agreements at a local level
- Continue the center director having authority to negotiate leases at a local level.
- Continue supplementing the center director’s authority via a local representative as headquarters liaison when commercial agreements cannot be negotiated locally.
- Continue supplementing CSLA agreements with Space Act Agreements, Enhanced Use Leases, and National Historic Preservation Act administrative and legal tools if deemed more beneficial to KSC.
OI-4 | Continue to leverage legitimate private sector interface to promote business with non-NASA entities
- Continue to review existing policies regarding competition with the private sector for appropriate guidance.
OI-5 | Continue commitment to commercialization with clear and consistent leadership vision
- Continue efforts of senior-level champion for change management who has decisional authority to implement the vision for transition to a multi-user spaceport.
- Continue having this champion be the primary point of contact for issues related to the transition to a multi-user spaceport.
- Integrate updates to the strategic plan to provide continued support for the transition that include goals and objectives, action steps, responsible parties, schedule milestones, associated costs, and projected revenues.
- Continue to coordinate and integrate updates in the KSC tactical map to ensure clear definition of strategic imperatives required for both non-NASA, programmatic launch activities and non-NASA, non-programmatic activities.