VAB Area Turn Basin and Dock
- The LC-39 turn basin and dock, east of the VAB, provides a direct water connection between the Atlantic Ocean and space launch processing activities at KSC. Utilizing a dockage area 1,800 feet long and 1,700 feet wide, the turn basin was used by both the Apollo and Space Shuttle Programs to receive fuel tanks and other elements too large to travel over open roadways.
- The turn basin maintains a depth of 10-15 feet at the cargo transfer point and deepens to approximately 25 feet near the middle.
Barge Canal
- Port Canaveral provides water access to KSC facilities through a canal that links the port with the Intracoastal Waterway in the Indian River. The connection is the result of moving the west dike of the port 4,000 feet into the Banana River and building a 90-foot by 600-foot lock in the relocated west dike.
- A dredged channel from the lock to the Merritt Island Barge Canal creates a water connection between the ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway.
- A KSC barge mooring is located at the intersection of the barge channel and the barge canal near the Canaveral Lock. This area has a depth of 25-30 feet. It provides a holding area for barges that will be moved up a dredged channel to the CCAFS dock facilities and the turn basin in the VAB area.
External Port Access – Port Canaveral
- Located at the south boundary of CCAFS, Port Canaveral consists of an entrance channel and turning basins dredged to accommodate oceangoing freighters and passenger cruise liners. Harbor facilities for Air Force and Navy activities at CCAFS are located north and northeast of the turning basins.
- The Navy has constructed a 45-foot-deep turning basin and 1,200-foot pier on the north side of the entrance to Port Canaveral. The pier has a 105-ton crane available to other government users on a noninterference basis. This facility is primarily used for the Trident Submarine program and is homeport to the Navy ship USNS Waters, which supports submarine operations.
- Commercial harbor installations include a wharf on the south shore of the harbor equipped for unloading petroleum products into nearby tanks. Commercial and sport fishing boats dock in the harbor south of the turning basin. Cruise terminals are located in the west turning basin and there is a marina southwest of the cruise terminals.