The Master Plan outlines how KSC will transform over the next 20 years to become the world’s premier multi-user spaceport.
The Master Plan approach:
To achieve this vision, a series of interrelated planning stages and associated tasks have supported the development of the KSC Master Plan.
- Incorporates themes and concepts developed by KSC employees and stakeholders, identified in KSC’s Future Development Concept (FDC).
- Combines written and graphical documentation to describe KSC’s current state with implementation strategies for achieving the desired vision and future state.
- Repositions resources to accommodate both NASA operations and the integration of the emerging commercial space market.
- Integrates development alternatives and corresponding operating models to support NASA programmatic needs as well as commercial space market opportunities.
- Identifies the most suitable areas of KSC for future development, taking factors including development capacity, the environment, and sea level rise into account.
- Supports KSC’s long-term end state with an asset consolidation and infrastructure divestiture strategy, enabled by implementation stages.
Plan Updates
NASA requires that Center Master Plans (CMPs) be continually reassessed to keep them relevant and functional, and to ensure goals originally established are being achieved. Updates may be requested by KSC or Headquarters. Per direction of KSC’s Center Director, the Master Plan should be reanalyzed annually to determine whether an update or revalidation is appropriate. NPD 8810.2 establishes that CMPs should be updated at least once every five years. The Capital Improvement Program Plan (CIPP) is recommended to be updated annually to support KSC’s maturing assets. Updating remaining components depends on variables.
- Change in Agency Facilities Strategy.
- Significant change in mission assignments.
- Advances in technology that change facilities requirements.
- Significant changes in the surrounding community.
- Significant variation in funding levels from Agency planning guidance.