Dedicated NASA Programs Operating Model
The Dedicated NASA Programs Operating Model focused support around only NASA programs and consisted of limited commercial opportunities. The vast majority of KSC’s land, assets, and infrastructure were needed for government operations.
- Focused support for NASA programs only
- Limited commercial opportunities
- Asset strategy to sustain capability required to support continuing NASA programs
- Available funding leveraged in response to shrinking federal dollars
- Strategy to divest assets not needed to support continuing NASA programs (transfer or demolish)
- Strategy to preserve unique capabilities and assets that may not be matched to current programs (mothball)
- Partnerships to leverage available assets and developable land resources (i.e., alternative energy developers and emerging commercial opportunities)
NASA Operations
- Owns/operates all assets/land
- Appropriated funding used for operations and maintenance for all assets
- NASA-program focused
- NASA/KSC proposes real property agreements, NASA HQ reviews/approves
- KSC pays all infrastructure charges
Non-NASA Operations
- Individual agreements for individual facilities/services
Operational Initiatives
OI-1 | Begin to apply a customer-centric business approach to ensure position as private sector first alternative
- Begin to explore adoption of policies and procedures consistent with marketplace expectations, including pricing structures, approval procedures, and operational regulations.
- Initiate the publishing of a “menu” of core services and facilities pricing that is standardized.
- Begin to explore streamlining the approval process to the greatest extent possible by negotiating and approving agreements at the local level.
- Begin to consider providing ancillary amenities to tenants such as on-site dining, service facilities, or recreational opportunities.
- Initiate addressing business practice policies and procedures before aggressively marketing KSC as a business-friendly location.
- Initiate the communication of the terms of any agreements with non-NASA tenants to NASA personnel who will implement the agreement so they can respond appropriately to tenant requests.
OI-2 | Begin to use all available legal and administrative tools to support commercial efforts
- Begin using advantageous Space Act Agreement property agreements, Enhanced Use Leases, and out-grants through the National Historic Preservation Act as appropriate for tenant contracts.
- Begin to structure future agreements with non-NASA entities to include profit-sharing partnerships in addition to standard lease agreements.
- Initiate preparation of templates for legal agreements with standardized terms and conditions that can be modified as necessary for each negotiation.
OI-3 | Begin to negotiate and administer Commercial Space Launch Act (CSLA) agreements at a local level
- Begin giving the center director the authority to negotiate leases at a local level.
- Begin to supplement the center director’s authority via appointing a local representative to serve as headquarters liaison for commercial agreements.
- Consider supplementing CSLA agreements with Space Act Agreements, Enhanced Use Leases, or National Historic Preservation Act administrative and legal tools if deemed more beneficial to KSC.
OI-4 | Begin to leverage legitimate private sector interface to promote business with non-NASA entities
- Review existing policies regarding competition with the private sector for appropriate guidance.
OI-5 | Commit to commercialization with clear and consistent leadership vision
- Assign a senior-level champion for change management who has decisional authority and is the primary point of contact to begin to implement the vision for transition to a multi-user spaceport.
- Initiate development of a strategic framework for the transition that builds upon identified goals, objectives, initiatives and actions, and also identifies responsible parties, schedule milestones, associated costs, and projected revenues.
- Ensure the KSC tactical map aligns with the strategic imperatives required for both non-NASA programmatic launch activities and non-NASA, non-programmatic activities.