A recently prepared market survey and analysis reviewed the macro-level trends and movements of the space flight industry, specifically the commercial space flight market. After meeting its government launch services mission requirements, KSC is in a unique position to leverage its capabilities and excess capacity to capture a portion of these emerging trends and opportunities. KSC can also play an important role in enabling the integration of new technologies and industries that bring about healthy growth in the space economy. These trends can shape current and future business opportunities and a competitive position for KSC and our nation.
A new way of doing business for a new generation of explorers.
KSC is transforming from a government and program-focused, single user launch complex to a more capability-centric and cost-effective multi-user spaceport, enabling both government and commercial space providers. The KSC Master Plan is a NASA-driven mechanism that documents developmental possibilities for KSC’s future state, along with the supporting business focused implementation and operating framework necessary to enable this transformation.
The Master Plan provides the framework and steps to achieve a sustainable end state, and was prepared in accordance with Master Planning for Real Property (NPD 8810.2).
2002 Master Plan prepared
2008 Master Plan updated based on the Constellation Program
2010 Initiated efforts in the fall of 2010 to develop a tactical strategy to address the change in its mission, infrastructure,
and customer base to incorporate in its new Master Plan
2011       KSC internally developed the Future Development Concept (FDC), establishing the underlying strategy, vision and framework for the development of the KSC Master Plan
2012 FDC approved by KSC and NASA HQ, serving as the key planning guide for this Master Plan
2013+ Master Plan updated and reviewed annually
Core Competencies
The future operations performed at KSC will continue to use these core competencies. Applying competencies across new business lines will enable and attract a broader user base. KSC will build upon the accomplishments of the past and lead America’s space program into the 21st century supported by the following strategic goals.
Core Competency 1
Ability to successfully acquire and manage commercial launch services for human and science-related missions is critical to expanding the United States aerospace markets as we continue to live, learn, and explore in space.
Core Competency 2
Accomplishments range from processing highly complex spacecraft and space telescope optics to the launch and recovery of both manned and unmanned spacecraft and launch vehicles.
Core Competency 3
Accomplishments range from processing highly complex spacecraft and space telescope optics to the launch and recovery of both manned and unmanned spacecraft and launch vehicles.
Core Competency 4
KSC’s engineers are skilled in electrical systems, avionics, mechanical accessories, fluids and propulsion, information technology, and pyrotechnics.
Core Competency 5
Using real-time prototyping techniques to construct hardware, KSC develops advanced space systems on an accelerated schedule, thus enabling the human space flight capabilities required to explore space in an affordable, sustainable way. KSC partners with private industry to resolve technical problems, often resulting in dual-use products or spinoffs.