The center has three runway facilities in the immediate vicinity. Several heliports also serve the center, accommodating rotary winged aircraft. In addition to the SLF, two other runways serve users in the area, including the Skid Strip located at CCAFS, which is operated by the Air Force, and the Space Coast Regional Airport located just west of KSC in south Titusville.
- Operations of the SLF are now managed by Space Florida in coordination with NASA flight operations.
- The SLF was built for landing reusable launch vehicles (RLV), specifically the space shuttle orbiter.
- The length and width of the SLF is unique, with a runway that is 15,000 feet long and 300 feet wide, with 1,000-foot overruns on each end.
- The SLF was designed to accommodate space shuttle landings, either the shuttle alone or piggyback on a jet aircraft, but it also accommodates program support aircraft, aircraft related to commercial enterprises, other aircraft on official call at KSC, and vehicle performance testing.
- The SLF approach orientations are 150- and 330-degrees magnetic. Field elevation is 9.5 feet above sea level.
- SLF Heliport – Helicopters supporting NASA business use the KSC SLF Ferry Terminal as a heliport. The SLF heliport is located northwest of the VAB and near the south end of the SLF.
- Industrial Area Heliport – The KSC Industrial Area heliport is open only for official traffic to meet the occasional needs of KSC. It is used rarely, most often for special visitors and NASA management personnel on orientation flights. Other uses include medical evacuation, security surveys, and photography missions. The heliport is located on the west side of the parking area behind the KSC Headquarters Building and is a concrete pad with a wind sock adjacent to the pad.
- Launch Complex 39 Heliport – A heliport is located northwest of the LC-39 Area Press Site, approximately 1,000 feet southeast of the VAB. The heliport has a windsock and can accommodate up to seven helicopters. It is used for the same purposes as the Industrial Area heliport.
- The FAA has set up “45 SW Eastern Range Special Use Airspace” to manage and control airspace above KSC and CCAFS launch facilities.
- Airspace and safety criteria for the SLF is in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 Airport Aeronautical Surfaces/ Airspace, and safety criteria for the Skid Strip is in accordance UFC 3-260-01.