Future Transportation
The Future Transportation Plan outlines opportunities and planning initiatives that will leverage KSC’s quinti-modal system as a strategic advantage in the evolution to a multi-user spaceport. These future transportation planning initiatives are intended to guide the decision-making process with the primary purpose of right-sizing NASA operations at KSC, while also meeting the expected transportation and logistical demands of both NASA and non-NASA users. As KSC continues to consolidate NASA operations into a more confined footprint, it will continue to invest in and explore new opportunities to take advantage of its unique quinti-modal network to meet the demands of future operations.
Quinti-Modal network – Space, Air, Sea, Rail, and Roads
KSC was selected as the most suitable location for the development of the nation’s space program in the 1950s because of its ocean proximity, global position, and the environment that surrounds it, consisting of two rivers on each side of what is now the secured access area of KSC. KSC should capitalize on this distinctive location and the fact that it possesses one of the few truly quinti-modal transportation networks in the world, offering numerous advantages and opportunities for future NASA and non-NASA users to support a variety of operational concepts. KSC’s quinti-modal transportation network can be leveraged to support the implementation and development of additional on-site/localized production of critical supply chain elements required for space flight. The level of infrastructure investments NASA has made to its transportation network over the last 50 years significantly reduces the cost of both operations and maintenance efforts as well as potential new investments that could be made if needed. KSC’s quinti-modal network consists of:
Planning Initiatives and Actions
Integrate transportation and land use to leverage quinti-modal network
- Use the five available transportation systems (space, air, sea, rail, road) to expedite a rapid transformation of the center to a multi-user spaceport; for maximum benefit, interconnect the functional centers of the multi-modal network.
- Optimize the existing roadway network by concentrating development along existing corridors and intersections.
Leverage public-private and public-public partnerships to reduce demands for recapitalization of existing assets.
- Reduce ongoing operations and maintenance costs, and enable development of new capabilities to support KSC’s multi-user requirements.
- Relocate guard houses/entry gates and implement a new security plan to create an opportunity for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to own and maintain some roads at KSC.
- Create a public-private partnership to own the railroad on KSC property, which could reduce KSC operations and maintenance costs and expand transportation options for Port Canaveral.
Restructure access to provide secured versus unsecured areas based on user requirements.
- As the KSC multi-user spaceport matures, relocate guard houses away from main roads to maintain security while providing daily access and emergency egress for non-NASA tenants.