Future State
The Future Development Plan builds upon the core strategies described in the Future Development Concept, including:
- Supporting NASA Mission and Programs: Ensure NASA program and mission success
- Enhancing the multi-user spaceport: Moving from a monolithic NASA program field installation to a multi-user spaceport on federal property. The evolution to a multi-user spaceport is not necessarily timeline dependent, but rather based on an increase in the number of users and operators in line with space market demand.
- Becoming leaner and greener: Operational, fiscal and environmental sustainability.
- Divesting without diminishing: Divesting of assets without eliminating capability to serve both critical government missions and programs while encouraging the growth of commercial space transportation market needs.
Building on this strategic foundation, the Future Development Plan describes the stages that will facilitate KSC’s transformation to an economically sustainable multi-user spaceport. To support this transformation, the Future Development Plan outlines a comprehensive strategy that integrates a variety of factors, including development, land use, the consolidation of NASA assets, and transportation and utility infrastructure. The goal is to right-size NASA operations without impacting mission objectives and support the proliferation of non-NASA aerospace opportunities and partnerships at KSC.
The Kennedy Space Center vision is enabled by an overall planning strategy that includes initiatives and supporting actions correlated to each of the components of the Future Development Plan. Initiatives and actions are also correlated to the operating model stages that support the transformation of KSC. The Future Development Plan provides a comprehensive guidance for KSC to transform from a single, government-user launch complex to a multi-user spaceport through a variety of interconnected components and strategies including:
- The Development Strategy incorporates an understanding of anticipated development and how to most effectively accommodate it. This future development includes a transition to a multi-user spaceport guided by business strategies and operating considerations that support continuing NASA Programs, future NASA missions, and emerging commercial space opportunities.
- An analysis of the existing natural and built environment determined the highest and best use of land resources that balances environmental sensitivity, operational requirements, and safety regulations. This comprehensive approach results in an efficient, environmentally-sensitive use of land area. Development suitability and capacity are the foundation of a compatible, safe, and efficient land use plan.
- Future land use is guided by land use planning initiatives.
- The Asset Plan incorporates facility initiatives for both vertical and horizontal infrastructure. In the Implementation Plan, these initiatives are coordinated with planning horizons and operating model stages.
- The center is supported by a quinti-modal transportation network and an extensive utility infrastructure supported by corresponding component plans and initiatives.
- Master planning initiatives and actions are correlated to planning horizons, as well as being linked to transformational stages that will facilitate the evolution of KSC to a multi-user spaceport.
- Transformation stages include the necessary steps and activities, as outlined in the implementation component, to enable the transition to a focused business environment that will best support KSC’s transformation.
- The transition from one stage to the next is not time-specific, but is largely dependent on federal funding, economic influences, and financial commitment from non-NASA entities.
Correlation of planning horizons and transformation stages are indicated to provide a context and framework to implement initiatives and actions, as well as fully leverage KSC’s space market opportunities.