Kennedy Space Center’s

Public Websites

List of KSC’s public facing websites:

AED website screenshot

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program


Informational website for the Automated External Defibrillator Training, AED Locations, Videos and FAQs.

CCT website screenshot

KSC Office of the Center Chief Technologist (CCT)


Informational website for the KSC Office of the Center Chief Technologist featuring resources of Research & Technology, Focus Areas, KSC Technology Transfer, Publications, and more.

Columbia website screenshot

Space Shuttle Columbia


Space Shuttle Columbia Research &Preservation Office, Debris Research, Columbia Recovery Office, Multimedia, and Columbia Mission History and Vehicle History.

Corrosion website screenshot

KSC Corrosion Engineering Laboratory


Informational website for the KSC Corrosion Engineering Laboratory, with information on Capabilities, Corrosion, Test Results, and Resources.

DON website screenshot

Distributed Observer Network (DON)


Informational website for the Distributed Observer Network (DON) application.

KSC Environmental website screenshot

Kennedy’s Environmental Program (KSC)


Informational website for KSC’s Environmental Program, Environmental Planning, Remediation Program, Sustainability, points of contact, and much more.

CDC Exchange website screenshot

KSC NASA Exchange Child Development Center (CDC)


Informational website for NASA Exchange Child Development Center (CDC).

KSC Exchange website screenshot

KSC NASA Exchange & KARS


Informational website for NASA Exchange and KARS parks.

Flight Ops website screenshot

KSC Flight Operations


Informational website on KSC’s Flight Operations on Center, Flight Safety Information, Flight Planning, Flight Tracking & Records.

Health & Education website screenshot

Health Education and Wellness Program (HEWP)


Informational website on KSC’s Collaborative Programs, Cardio Vascular Disease and Diabetes Screening Program, Health Events, Health Topics, and Nutritional Education.

KSC Safety & Mission Assurance website screenshot

KSC Safety and Mission Assurance


Informational website on KSC’s Safety and Mission Assurance Programs, Events, KSC/NASA Information, and other NASA Center’s Safety Missions.

KSC Medical Education Program


The Kennedy Space Center Medical Education Program offers Aerospace and Occupational Health Medicine Clerkship rotations for medical students and residents.

Launch Services Program (LSP) Launch


Information about facilities on both coasts supporting the Launch Services Program (LSP).

LSP Education and Outreach website screenshot

Launch Services Program Education


Through public outreach, educational support and our social media, the LSP Education & Outreach office is working to inspire a new generation of explorers.

Launch Services Program (LSP) KIOSK


An interactive display of rocket science and Launch Services Program (LSP) history.

LSP Launch History website screenshot

Launch Services Program (LSP) Launch History


A listing of missions supported by the Launch Services Program, organized by year and by mission.

KSC Master Plan website screenshot

KSC Master Plan


Connecting KSC’s existing resources and infrastructure with the needs of our partners serving as the foundation and multi-user spaceport for KSC’s Master Plan.

Model & Simulation website screenshot

Modeling and Simulation (M&S)


Informational website on NASA’s Model and Simulation featuring Key M&S Concepts, FAQ, References, M&S Forum, and Team Contacts.

Launch Services Program (LSP) Kiosk

Launch Services Program (LSP) Kiosk


An interactive display of rocket science and Launch Services Program (LSP) history.

For more information, please visit the NASA KSC Website!
