The KSC Office of the Center Chief Technologist
The principal advisor to Center leadership and to the Agency’s Office of the Chief Technologist.
Kennedy Space Center’s
Office of the Chief Technologist

Acting Center Chief Technologist

Acting Deputy Center Chief Technologist
The Center Chief Technologist (CCT), supported by the Deputy Chief Technologist (DCT), serves as the principal advisor to Center leadership and to the Agency’s Office of the Chief Technologist on matters concerning Center-wide technology development and leverage. The CCT and DCT also serve as change agents regarding the workforce’s capacity to innovate and are responsible for documenting, demonstrating, and communicating the societal impact of KSC’s technology accomplishments.
The CCT chairs the Research and Technology Management Board (RTMB) and is the KSC lead on technology transfer and commercialization opportunities, including solicitation, evaluation, and selection activities. The RTMB, composed of members and advisors from KSC’s resident programs and functional offices, is chartered with enhancing and increasing current R&T efforts; ensuring those efforts support KSC’s core missions; and understanding, proactively pursuing, and aggressively supporting R&T areas assigned to KSC by NASA. The RTMB provides strategies for R&T development at KSC and reviews and approves proposals for R&T projects. The RTMB meets weekly or as necessary to review proposed technologies for alignment with the KSC mission, the Office of the Chief Technologist, and NASA policy.
With assistance from the RTMB, the CCT reports quarterly to the Kennedy Center Management Council to keep senior management informed on R&T efforts occurring across the center.
Innovator Resources
Related Links
- KSC Innovation
- NASA Innovation Portal
- NASA Chief Technologist
- NASA Engineering Network
- Digital Information and Innovation Communities of Practices
- KSC Center Planning & Development