Welcome To
The Kennedy Space Center
NASA Exchange
Overview Of
The NASA Exchange
The NASA Exchange exists to support the workforce of Kennedy Space Center, both Civil Servants and Contractors. As a non-appropriated fund activity (no tax dollars) of the government, the Exchange is a self-contained operation, and KSC Employee patronage to the NASA Exchange Retail Stores and KARS Park creates revenue which helps finance activities created to contribute to the efficiency, welfare, and morale of NASA/Kennedy Space Center personnel.
Entities under the NASA Exchange umbrella of management include five retail stores, two barbershops, two Credit Union branches, a service station, a massage therapy office, a child development center, and two recreational parks.
The NASA Exchange also supports employee activities such as the All American Picnic, Annual Christmas Coffees, NASA Directorate Funds, discount attraction and sports tickets, launch related events, and other employee events throughout the year.
Supporting The Workforce of The Kennedy Space Center
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