Getting Started Overview
Exercise is a key ingredient to physical and mental well-being. Those who exercise have more energy, a healthier weight, better balance/coordination, reduced risk factors for disease and an overall better quality of life.
Whether you are beginning an exercise program or just starting a new physical activity, it’s important to know your body and adopt an exercise regime that will build and improve your body and not damage or injure it.
On this, all the experts agree, maintaining weight loss cannot be safely accomplished without incorporating regular physical activity into your lifestyle (merely reducing your calories will slow your metabolism and possibly compromise your nutritional health). The frequency, intensity and duration of your exercise routine should be greater than 30 minutes, 3 times a week. Although most individuals pursue an exercise program for weight management, that approach should not be the sole reason for adopting a healthier lifestyle. The main reason for starting a new sport, joining a gym or participating in any physical activity should primarily be for improving your overall health & well-being, for yourself, you loved ones and your employer.
Below are a few opportunities through the KSC Occupational Health Program that should help you get started:
- Discuss your medical history with your healthcare provider or a health & fitness professional;
- Take the Mayo Clinic EmbodyHealth Assessment (visit and complete the online registration form, use the unique identifier – healthiernasa – (one word, not case sensitive) to login);
- Calculate your “Real Age” (not to be confused with your chronological age) at ;
- Participate in the KSC CVD Screening Program (FYI: information from the CVD screening can help you to better complete the Health Assessment), see for more information.
The KSC Occupational Health Program offers a variety of opportunities that can empower you to make the right decisions toward a safe, healthy and sustainable active lifestyle. Exploring the unknown, advancing aeronautics and pushing the boundaries in space exploration takes a team approach – your health & well-being is no different.
Remember, don’t ignore aches and pains; seek the advice from your healthcare provider or schedule an appointment with one of our certified health fitness instructors, athletic trainers or health education specialists if you need help getting started or sustaining your efforts (see link in menu).
“We’ve got plenty of science to tell us what we need to do – get moving!”
Richard Carmona, Surgeon General of the United States
DISCLAIMER: This website and its associated links are for informational purposes only. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by NASA, KSC or the Federal Government; the website does not claim nor imply to address personal health-related conditions. As always, consult with your healthcare provider before you begin any exercise, medical, diet or health-related program.