Food Safety Inspection Reports
Our foremost health inspection is the Food Establishment Inspection Report, which is conducted either monthly or quarterly depending on the establishment. Results of the food safety health inspection are available upon request from either this program office or from the kitchen manager at the location of interest.
Our FDA Certified Food Safety Inspectors inspect and monitor the KSC food concessionaires to ensure they comply with the 2022 FDA Food Code, NPR 1800.1C, and the KNPR 1870.1, Rev.B. The policy of the SPHP is to provide consultation and assistance to the KSC Food Concessionaires to facilitate their sustained compliance with the aforementioned standards and assure the KSC community those requirements are being followed.

Definitions to understand when reading a KSC “food safety inspection report”:
- Risk Factors (Critical violations) are violations that occur within food preparation processes; they also include employee behaviors. The U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reports “risk factor violations” as the most common contributing factors associated in foodborne illness outbreaks. Risk factor violations include food from unsafe sources, improper holding temperatures, inadequate cooking, contaminated equipment, food handlers who are ill, etc.
- Good Retail Practices (Noncritical violations) are violations that occur within the supporting systems; they control basic operational and sanitary conditions. Good retail practice violations include poor housekeeping or maintenance, poorly maintained equipment, improper storage practices, inadequate pest control, etc. If physical conditions are not maintained, external hazards may be inadvertently introduced into the food item. Good retail practice violations may be considered critical or non-critical in nature.
Complaints are taken seriously and are responded to promptly. Please report any concerns, requests, or suggestions to the contact information on this website.
Below you will find a list of food service establishments routinely inspected by certified Food Safety personnel. Click here and you will be directed to the Food Safety Inspection Reports for the food establishments in these locations.
- KSC Visitors Complex
- O&C Cafeteria
- Central Campus Food Court
- Division of Blind Services – Snack bars
- Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Food Court
**Food Safety Inspection Reports can also be obtained by contacting the medical and environmental contractor Work Control at (321) 867-2400 or by contacting the on duty food manager of the location of interest. Please direct any questions regarding the Food Safety Inspections Reports to the medical and environmental contractor Work Control number.
**Alternative methods for obtaining Food Safety Inspection Reports: Contact medical and environmental contractor Work Control at (321) 867-2400 or speak to the Food Manager of the location of interest. Please direct any questions regarding the Food Safety Inspections Reports to the medical and environmental contractor Work Control number (321) 867-2400.