Environmental Connection
Although the following explanation concerns the application of insecticides, it should apply to all pesticide (insecticide and herbicide) application.
Runoff flows into our waterways. Reduce the flow and reduce lawn applications. Plant Florida-friendly: http://fyn.ifas.ufl.edu/ and protect our waterways!
The protection of the nation’s surface water and groundwater resources has become one of the primary environmental issues facing the Florida community.

Although the treatment of unwanted plants and insects is unavoidable in many circumstances, when pesticides are applied incorrectly, they can reach surface water by running off the application site following a heavy rainfall or excessive yard watering and enter the neighboring retention ponds, rivers, drainage ditches, sinkholes, or leach into the groundwater. Contamination of this type is classified as “non-point source” pollution. Direct or specific source, such as a spills or back siphoning during filling of pesticide application equipment is considered “point source” contamination.
Regardless of point or non-point contamination, it is the responsibility of all pesticide applicators to ensure that they are using every means available to prevent pesticides from contaminating Florida’s surface water and groundwater resources. Pesticides applicators can greatly reduce the risk of either point or non-point source contamination from pesticides by adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions and by using common sense practices that minimize impact on our environment.
Helpful Resources
The University of Florida: Nine Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping (Nine short videos on healthy landscaping in Florida)