Grades K-4

Discover games, puzzles, coloring pages, and more for K-4th grade students

Grades 5-8

Participate in building activities, videos, games, and more for 5th-8th grade students

Grades 9-12

Find NASA articles, opportunities, and challenges for 9th – 12th grade students

Colleges and Universities

Check out STEM Resources for colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions

JPL Learn

Discover JPL projects, toolkit, and contests for students

LSP Mission Activities

Explore NASA’s science and robotic missions through activities and resources

Grades K-12

Find STEM resources for K-12 Educators

NASA Interns

Check out NASA internship opportunities and learn how to apply

NASA Kids’ Club

Play NASA space games for kids

LSP Funpad

Enjoy LSP coloring pages, games, and activities

NASA Space Place

Explore earth and space with crafts, games, videos, and more

Informal Education

Find STEM resources for informal education


Explore earth, our solar system, the universe, and spacecraft through 3D and real-time data visualizations

Solar System

Take a deeper look at our solar system, planets, moon, asteroids, comets, meteors, and more

NASA Spinoff

Learn about NASA technologies that benefit our lives everyday

Grades K-4

Discover games, puzzles, coloring pages, and more for K-4th grade students

Grades 5-8

Participate in building activities, videos, games, and more for 5th-8th grade students

Grades 9-12

Find NASA articles, opportunities, and challenges for 9th – 12th grade students

Colleges and Universities

Check out STEM Resources for colleges, universities, and technical and vocational institutions

JPL Learn

Discover JPL projects, toolkit, and contests for students

LSP Mission Activities

Explore NASA’s science and robotic missions through activities and resources

Grades K-12

Find STEM resources for K-12 Educators

NASA Interns

Check out NASA internship opportunities and learn how to apply

NASA Kids’ Club

Play NASA space games for kids

LSP Funpad

Enjoy LSP coloring pages, games, and activities

NASA Space Place

Explore earth and space with crafts, games, videos, and more

Informal Education

Find STEM resources for informal education


Explore earth, our solar system, the universe, and spacecraft through 3D and real-time data visualizations

Solar System

Take a deeper look at our solar system, planets, moon, asteroids, comets, meteors, and more

NASA Spinoff

Learn about NASA technologies that benefit our lives everyday