Artemis & The Gateway

The Launch Services Program supports NASA’s return to the Moon. For NASA’s Artemis architecture, LSP is serving in a major consulting role for the Gateway Logistics Element, the Human Landing System, the Habitation and Logistics Outpost, and the Power and Propulsion Element, as well as providing mission management to deliver the Canadian Deep Space Exploration Robotic System to the Gateway. LSP is also leveraging expertise in Venture Class Launch Services and supported the launch of CAPSTONE, a precursor lunar CubeSat mission, to reduce technical risk in advance of crewed Artemis campaigns.

Commercial Crew Program (CCP)
& Commercial Resupply Services (CRS)
LSP also provides advisory expertise for Commercial Crew Program (CCP) missions and Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) program missions in support of the International Space Station. LSP supports CCP and CRS on an as-needed basis by giving insight into the launch vehicles and assessments on certain aspects by request depending on the details of the mission. So far, LSP has provided advisory services for more than 40 CRS missions launched on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 and Northrop Grumman’s Antares rockets. LSP also provides advisory services for SpaceX and Boeing CCP current and future missions.