Welcome to the NASA Space Life Sciences Library (NSLSL)
The NASA Space Life Sciences Library (NSLSL) seeks to consolidate global space life sciences literature into a single database to support research that addresses the effects of the space environment on biological systems.
NASA Space Life Sciences Organizations
The library is co-funded by NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences (BPS) division and Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and is managed by the Utilization and Life Sciences Office (UB) within the KSC’s Exploration Research & Technology program while the publications themselves exist in, and come from, the public domain and are funded by their respective institutions.
Library Purpose
The purpose of the library is to consolidate world-wide, peer-reviewed articles, technical publications, dissertations, and patent publications related to Space Life Science research into a singular, global, central repository that is accessible to the public.
NSLSL Public Library
The public-facing library is accessible to all space life science researchers and scientists around the globe. Here, you can search 200K+ articles related to space life science research and submit new, relevant publications to be included in the library.
NASA Space Life Sciences Featured Publications
Showcased below are Space Life Science related articles published by NASA Scientists and Researchers from across the Agency. Please visit the library to find additional NASA published research.
Global News
News, highlights, and featurettes of Space Life Science in action around the globe.
3D Printing, Muscle Cells, and Mold Experiments Launching to Space Station
Water Bears in Space: If you’re not familiar with water bears, or tardigrades, they are super-tiny animals that are best known for…
Biological Research In Canisters-24: An Experiment Frozen in Time and Space
NASA-Funded Research Creates DNA-like Molecule to Aid Search for Alien Life
NASA Research will examine how spaceflight-like conditions impact telomere length, and how that in turn impacts muscle cell function
The BioScience-4 mission is the first study to investigate the multiplication of nervous system stem cells in microgravity
Growing a Smarter Model for Brain Research in Space: An investigation that sent brain organoids to the International Space Station
Research into a novel method for detecting molecular damage in astronaut DNA led to a new cancer test
Researchers Develop Better Ways to Culture Living Heart Cells on the International Space Station
Microgravity Works Wonders With Plant Transplants: Astronaut transplants pak choi in the agency’s Vegetable Production System
HRF-Veg investigation examines the behavioral health benefits of having live plants and fresh food in space
Creating New and Better Drugs with Protein Crystal Growth Experiments