NASA Exchange

KSC Exchange Services & Hours of Operation

A. Scheduled Events

  1. Personal (e.g., birthday parties, bridal showers, family reunions):
    • Primary card holder member must reserve pavilion / facility and pay appropriate pavilion / facility and guest fees one week in advance of event.
    • Unlimited number of guests, Pavilion / facility fee entitles member up to 50 guests.
    • See current Fee Schedule for rates.  Checks must be made payable to NASA Exchange.
    • Member or Guest card holder must accompany and remain with their guest(s) for the duration of their visit / stay.
  2. Organized Group Events (e.g., Indian Guides, Scouts, RV Clubs, American Legion, Churches, Schools, and Homeowner Associations):
    • Member must notify the Park Manager in advance to schedule the event.
    • Members are not permitted to sponsor commercial business groups.
    • No charge for up to 50 guests (see Fee Schedule for over 50 guests).
    • Member must pay appropriate pavilion / facility fee.
    • 10 to 1 rule will apply (KARS member’s name and membership number must be provided for every 10 guests) one week in advance of reservation.
    • KARS member must remain with invited guest(s) and be responsible for group for the duration of their visit / stay.
  3. Official NASA Functions – exempt from reservation / usage feesPolitical, charity, and fundraiser events will not be permitted at KARS Park.

B. Reservations

  1. Reservations must be obtained to utilize the following areas/facilities:KARS I – Areas I, II, and III, Fishing Pond Pavilion, Recreational Room, Tiki Hut with pavilion area, and Conference Room (for Official use only).
    • The KARS Conference Room may be reserved Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM for official meetings and training.
    • KARS II weekday use – (first come first served on weekends).
  2. On-Line Reservations:
    Note:  Members must have a current membership card before going on-line and may make a reservation by doing the following:
    • On the left-hand column, click on the KARS Park Information tab.
    • Scroll down and click on the Make Reservations tab.
    • Select the facility you wish to reserve and click, Continue.
    • Select the month and date for your reservation. Note: Before clicking on the date, make sure you are looking at the correct month.
    • Fill-in all fields. Review the information entered and then click on SubmitNote: In order to receive a written confirmation of approval, you must include your e-mail address.
    Note:  NASA organizations requesting reservations for Official functions do not have to have a membership number.  In the Function field, select Official.
  3. Telephone Reservations:Members calling the reservation line must provide the following information:
    • Name and phone number
    • E-mail address
    • Company name
    • Reservation date and time
    • Park and area or facility desired
    • Current membership card number
    • Number of people
    NASA official functions have priority over non-NASA activities in usage scheduling.  Park management reserves the right to prioritize use of pavilions.
  4. Reservation / Usage Information
    • See current Fee Schedule for rates.
    • Fees are non-refundable unless a 2 week cancellation notice is given.
    • Employees may reschedule event at no additional charge.
    • Pavilion / facility fee will entitle member up to 50 guests at no additional cost.
    • Payment must be received seven (7) calendar days from the date reservation is made at the KARS Country Store or at the NASA Exchange Employee Services Office in the Headquarters Building, Room 1201.  Reservation will be cancelled if reservation fees are not paid within the seven (7) calendar days.
    • Checks must be made payable to NASA Exchange.


C. Country Store (Camping, Beer Orders, Payments)

  1. The KARS Country Store is the only entity authorized to sell products on KARS Park property.
    Note: Vendors must be pre-authorized through the Exchange Operations Manager.
    • Country Store hours vary by season.  The store is closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas day.
    • The Country Store offers food items, ice, bait, beverages, a variety of snacks, and camping essentials for purchase.
    • Orders may be placed in person or by calling (321) 867-7967.
    • All items purchased at the Country Store must be paid for at the time of purchase.  No refunds will be given for unused items ordered.
    • All monetary transactions will be handled at the Country Store.
  2. Event Planning
    • Beer order(s) must be placed a minimum of one week in advance of the event and must be paid for within 48 hours at the Country Store or Headquarters Building, Room 1201.  Cash, check or credit card will be accepted for payment.
    • Beer order(s) must be cancelled one (1) week prior to the scheduled event(s) in order for member to receive a full refund.  Orders cancelled after the required timeframe will not receive a refund.  No refunds will be given on beer orders.
    • Beverages, beer, ice, cups, etc., may also be ordered for picnics and gatherings.
    • Beer keg(s) may not be removed from KARS property.
    • Members may not purchase beer keg(s) outside of KARS Park and bring into the park for consumption.
    • Unused beer will not be sold to any other person or party.