Governing Documents
NASA / KSC Policy and Procedures
NASA Policy Directives
NPD 7900.4 NASA Aircraft Operations Management
NASA Procedural Requirements
NPR 7900.3 NASA Aircraft Operations Management Manual
Kennedy NASA Procedural Requirements
KNPR 7900.3 KSC Aviation Safety Program
KNPR 7900.2 KSC Airworthiness and Flight Safety
KNPR 1600.1 KSC Security Procedural Requirements
Kennedy Technical Instructions
KTI-7900 OPS KSC Aircraft Operations Manual
KTI-7900 MX KSC Aviation Maintenance Manual
KTI-7900_UAS KSC Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Manual
Kennedy Plans
KSC-PLN-2807 KSC Mishap Preparedness and Contingency Plan
KSC-PLN-3602 KSC ISC Aircraft Operations and Maintenance QASP
Kennedy Documented Procedures
KDP-KSC-P-3009 KSC Procedure — Aircraft Emergencies
KDP-KSC-P-3236 KSC Procedure — Helicopter Support Request
KDP-KSC-P-3612 KSC Impoundment and Chain of Custody
NASA eForms
KSC Form 20-128 Property and Chain of Custody Receipt
KSC Charters & Designations
Airworthiness & Flight Safety Review Board Charter
Aviation Safety Working Group Charter
Aviation Working Group Charter
NASA KSC Aviation Safety Officer Designation
NASA KSC Chief of Flight Operations Designation
DISCLAIMER—This site is intended as a reference tool for KSC Flight Operations personnel. Others, including the general public, have access to most links, but it is essential to highlight that links on this site are provided for reference only. Some links may be outdated. Others may be inaccessible due to NASA or DoD firewalls. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure all referenced documents and guidance reflect the most current revision.