Flight Safety
Hazard / Significant Event / Mishap Reporting
Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)
NASA Safety Reporting System (NSRS)
Kennedy NASA Procedural Requirements
Kennedy Documented Procedures
Space Coast Aviation Safety Alliance
SCASA is a diverse group of aviation professionals in Central Florida whose objectives are: 1) Promoting and improving aviation safety in the local flying area, 2) Addressing local aviation safety-related issues, and 3) Sharing best practices from our respective aviation safety programs. See organizational links below for more information.
SCASA Flight Operations Areas Chart
SCASA Meeting Minutes
DISCLAIMER—This site is intended as a reference tool for KSC Flight Operations personnel. Others, including the general public, have access to most links, but it is essential to highlight that links on this site are provided for reference only. Some links may be outdated. Others may be inaccessible due to NASA or DoD firewalls. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure all referenced documents and guidance reflect the most current revision.