KSC Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program
AED Locations
Please click HERE for the current list of AEDs located throughout KSC, the Visitor Complex, Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge Nature Center, and the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS). Please note, the link is only accessible on a NASA network.
NOTE: This list is subject to change. If you have any questions regarding AEDs in a building, please contact the building’s Facility Manager for details.
This is text added by SQA test. More text added just in case.
In order to retrieve the most accurate list of the AEDs in any particular building, please type in the Facility Number in the “Find an Item” text box. We also recommend walking around the building and becoming familiar with the AEDs in your area.
If you are visiting Kennedy Space Center – WELCOME! – and are interested in the AED locations, and do not have access to a NASA network, please see your NASA/KSC POC or contact the building’s Facility Manager.
Most AEDs are in wall cabinets and are the Philips Medical Heartstart Onsite (HS1’s) unless otherwise noted. Please report beeping AEDs to the Duty Office at (321) 861-5050.

Below are the pictures of the type of AED Wall Cabinet you will encounter at KSC. None of the wall cabinets located throughout KSC or CCAFS are alarmed or connected to the KSC Emergency Response number, i.e., they will not automatically call “911” when the door is opened. If you need an AED, open the cabinet door and retrieve the AED. You or another responder must call the KSC Emergency number: (321) 867-7911 from a cell phone or 911 from a landline. At Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, call (321) 853-0911.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please consult the KSC AED Program web site, or feel free to call Stephen Pilkenton at (321) 867-4662 or the Occupational Health Facility at (321) 867-3346.